Valentina Haddad, Mag. Psych, EMBA

Mother of a one-year-old girl, Master of Psychology and Economics, and certified IAIM Instructor with many years of experience in the field of organizational psychology and human resources counseling.

Through education in preschool education and psychology in Zagreb, she gets acquainted with strategies for solving problems in children and adults, and professionally develops in the field of human resources and work with people through the labor market.

Education in the field of neurofeedback techniques and babyhandling methods is in the process of making the approach to the development of babies and children complete and supportive for parents.



Lara Šubić Šuša. Mag. Oec, MBA

She has a master's degree in economics, with a great interest in foreign languages, and has been working in the field of human resource management consulting since the beginning of her career.

A certified IAIM instructor since 2015, with international experience, baby massage has also helped her personally overcome the emotional tsunami after the birth of 3 children.

She is also certified for Massage in Schools, and she transferred this knowledge to schools and kindergartens in France. She also passed on her knowledge as a professor of business English and in numerous associations on projects she considers socially important.

She has completed courses in autogenic training and theta healing, and is currently in the process of training for neurofeedback and hypnosis.

